Friday, May 03, 2013

What Goes Up ...

Hey are you all ready for National Scrapbook Day Weekend? Are you going to be cropping? I certainly am! I am also going to be sharing a few layouts and SketchSavvy Sketches with you over the next couple of days. I hope you will have time to play along.

For this layout I have used Sketch #104 from SketchSavvy HERE. I chose the "Collectable" collection by My Mind's Eye for my page about getting in the ride vehicles at Splash Mountain. There is nothing better than getting in and starting to float with the fun music, after you have just been in that queue for hours. The colors and those little pennant pieces really made the page come together.


  1. Another great Disney page, Susan! I love the pennants too. The colors for your page are fab. Never did ride Splash Mountain. Greg and I just can't do those anymore. His back and my stomach can't handle them. It looks fun though.

  2. Oh my gosh! This page is awesome and I am totally copying it!
    TFS Susan!

  3. Carrie10:25 AM

    I never got this collection but it is really gorgeous! I will have to look it up while the sales are on today. Your layout is just so refreshing and just what I would expect from you
