Tuesday, April 30, 2013

BasicGrey Knee Highs and Bow Ties Album Kit &Giveaway!!!

Ok you just have to see these super cute BasicGrey Album Kits that are on sale for only $25 thru May 12th. One Album kit is the Knee Highs collection and one is the Bow Ties collection. You are going to love these two collections and the album looks super cute! I know I have to have one - who am I kidding here - I want both. LOL! Actually I have just decided on both now, because I think it would be fun to mix them up since the two collections go so well together.

I will be playing with one of these kits when they come in, do you want to join the fun? Well, guess what? BasicGrey is letting me give the kit of your choice away to one of you lucky readers! So leave me a comment before midnight on Sunday May 5th, telling me what you think of these kits and which one you would choose if your name is drawn. I will choose a random winner and announce here on May 6th. Good luck and thanks for stopping by!


  1. I love both kits, but the bow ties is my favorite.

  2. Wonderful kits!! I would choose the Knee Highs!

  3. I love the colors in Bow Ties, but I am thinking like you: I really want them both! Love the size of this type of album, and with all the extra goodies, I think it will really be fun to put together a great album. Thanks for the chance to win one. And I can't wait to see what you do with yours!

  4. These look really lovely! I would be happy with either :-)

  5. Nancy K.10:54 AM

    Both are very cute but since I have a little girl I'd pick knee highs. BTW this is my first time visiting your blog and I love it! Thanks for having the giveaway!

  6. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I love the bow ties kit...the color scheme and theme really speak to me. I would love the chance to work with it and make a fantastic book.

  7. I love the knee highs kit! I just had a little girl and I've been going nuts for anything girly and pink:)

  8. Oh those are both so cute!! I think Knee highs is my fave tho!

  9. i would love the knee highs! I have just started doing the books for my 3 granddaughters! first time to your blog, i enjoyed it very much!

  10. oh my gosh these are super fun and cute!!! LOVE the knee high kit!!! that is sooo stinkin fun!!!

  11. LOve both of them, but I would choose Knee Highs if I had to choose just one. I am using on these albums already and love it!

  12. Anonymous11:54 AM

    These are sooooo cute. I guess i would pick Knee High

  13. I am loving both of these but I think I would go with Bow Ties. Love the colours!

  14. Stephanie B.12:04 PM

    I love them both! I would pick Bow Ties, if I could only pick one,though. I love the blues and yellows!

  15. I like them both but the owl won me over in the knee high kit.

  16. Wow that's tough the albums are even great! Love the wood grain on bow ties though !!!

  17. Awesome blog!! I just saw these album kits last night and at first I was convinced that it wouldn't be my style but then I took a close look and wowsers.......boy was I wrong! Basic Grey really went all out with these and they are wonderful... though I like both, I'd pick the "bow ties" just for my son's pictures! Thank you for the inspiration...

  18. OMG!
    What wonderful kits.
    I could choose Bow Ties
    thanks for the chacne!

  19. Thank you for acanceat winning. I love Basic Grey. I would love to win Knee Highs, the colors would be perfect for my newborn neice's layouts!

  20. I'm a knee highs kind of girl!!

  21. Thank you so much for making that post about your giveaway on the Two Peas board. I'm so glad I saw it. I'm your newest follower! Your layouts are great. I love your style. :)
    As for the BasicGrey albums, I like them both, but I think I like the Bow Ties one best. That "Kick the Can" paper reminds me of a dna strand or something geeky like that. I like looking for masculine prints. I have two older boys to scrap (who are actually grown men!) Thanks again, Susan!

  22. I love both, but I have working on my daughters scrapbook for so long now to have it ready for her HS graduation that I am dying to do a few layouts for my boys. I would be picking bow ties.

  23. They are BOTH adorable, but my fave is Bow Ties! Anything Basic Grey I love!

  24. tough choice but I think BowTies is my favorite. Love the little albums. I didn't know they were making them. I'll have to check them out.

  25. Its tough to choose but I think I would choose knee highs - just love the colors (and a fair amount of bow ties product might live at my house already.

  26. I'm a fan of Bowties!

  27. Thanks for the chance to win! I have to vote for Bow Ties as my favorite - love the colors and texture of the wood grain.

  28. Amy B5:49 PM

    Bow ties is my favorite! I'm always more productive with kits like this because I just go with it and don't spend so much time looking for just the right papers and embellishments.

  29. I like both kits. I would be happy with either one.
    Thanks for the opportunity.

  30. I love the look of Bow ties and knee highs.
    I love your blog and your sketches!

  31. I love both kits but Love Bow tie :) thanks for a chance to win!!!

  32. Amy McRorie6:27 PM

    How can you go wrong with Basic Grey? Love Knee Highs the best!

  33. Colleen Murray6:40 PM

    Both are gorgeous but Bow Ties wins by a small margin for me as I have 3 boys/men! Here's holding thumbs :-)

  34. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Love both but would go with the Knee Highs for my DD photos! Thanks for the chance!

  35. Susan S7:29 PM

    Love both but would go with the Knee Highs for my DD photos! Thanks for the chance!

  36. Super cute! If I had to pick one, it'd probably be Bow Ties! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  37. My favorite is Bow Ties. I love the colors.

  38. I am totally a Knee Highs girl! LOVE this kit! What an awesome giveaway!

  39. I love both kits but knee high would be my favorite. But I do have three girls.

  40. I love them both but as a mom of 2 boys I am partial to Bow Ties. However, I can see many uses for either kit amongst my 1000s of pics to be scrapped for either kit.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win :-)
    Shara J.

  41. They are both so cute but I think I would have to pick Knee Highs since I love woodgrain. Would be perfect for my Studio Calico This is Me album. :)

  42. I really like the size of the albums and these kits should be an easy start to make an album. I usually spend too much time choosing papers and other supplies that would "match perfectly" so sometimes it's better to have ready solution.

  43. i like knee highs best for the brighter colors.

  44. The kits are so cute and a great way to scrap an event. I have a little girl so of course am partial to the Knee Highs.

  45. Both kits are so cute. If I had to choose one, I'd pick the Bow Ties. Love anything by BasicGrey!

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. they are just so cute. i'd have to go with Bow Ties as i'm not so much of a girl type scrapper

  48. OMG! These kits are perfect especially the knee high one as i have two girls which makes me a little biast :-)

  49. reem darwish8:55 AM

    OMG! These albums are adorable..especially the knee high one. Would be great for my 2 daughters :-)

  50. oh yea, those books are awesome!! I was looking for one just recently, want to do a vacation mini, and chose BasicGrey over the other mini books - and now the giveaway! i hope I win)

  51. AliceZ10:30 AM

    Both kits are awesome but with 2 boys, I'm gonna have to go with the Bow Ties! Thanks for the chance to win.

  52. I have been looking for a 'starter scrapbook' for my daughter and this would be it....so I'd pick Knee Highs. Thanks for the chance!

  53. Love Basic Grey, in fact this reminds me to download their May calender for my desktop. Wouldn't it be wonderful if it were done with Knee Highs designs - love it!

  54. I would probably go with the bow tie since I have a little boy.. :)

  55. Carrie8:32 PM

    Oh these are very fun albums and I would love a chance to win one! I think I would have to choose Knee Highs.

  56. Cindy S8:33 PM

    oh I am totally ordering Knee Highs so I would pick Bow Ties to win. LOL! I am so happy to find your blog, Susan

  57. I love both these lines and the album kits look like a lot of fun. WOuld love to have the BowTies kit ! thanks for the chance to win.

  58. These are such beautiful album kits! Thanks for the chance!

  59. I love them both...but I think Bow Ties is my fav!! Thank you for the chance to win one!!! Can't wait to see what you do with yours!!

  60. I love them both!! But because I have a little girl I would choose the Knee Highs :)

  61. Both are Super CUTE!!! But I would pick Knee Highs as my favorite! :)

  62. They are both so colorful and nice! But I have a daugther, so I prefer the first one.

  63. Drallbee@aol.com12:39 PM

    How to choose? Both are fabulous. But I love the bright colors of Knee Highs.

  64. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Both are great, but I love the Bow Ties!

    scootersmomm AT hotmail.com
