Sunday, March 11, 2018

I'm Back!

Hello out there! I haven't posted in almost a year and I am not sure if anyone is even going to see this after being gone so long. But a couple of people in my family have mentioned that they check my blog and my mom shows friends because of photos, which I suspect doesn't look too great since I haven't shared any pages.  LOL!
Here is the thing, I have been just scrapping Disney pages mostly and so I have been sharing my layouts over at our DISNEY SCRAPPERS site. Well recently I have done a few non disney again as well. I thought since International Scrapbook Day/week is coming up in May, I would set a goal of posting all my layouts here between now and then. It appears that if I post a layout or 2 every couple of days I can catch up.

Since I rarely do 2 page layouts I thought I would start with this one that I did last may. I used Basic Grey Hillside. If you are like me and you don't do well with 2 page layouts, think about using the same papers and embellishments to create two seperate layouts and then just put them together and they will at least coordinate. I kind of did that with this one. I made sure I had a strip along both tops and one strip in the center and the rest is all kind of individual.
I have to add that while I haven't been sharing on my blog. I have not taken close up photos very often of the details but if you click on the images, some will be shown larger.


  1. I am so glad to see you back!! I check your blog on occasion for inspiration!!! So glad to see you posting again!

  2. Welcome back! Looking forward to seeing more layouts!!!

  3. I am THRILLED you are back!! You are one of my favorite scrapbook artists!

  4. Fabulous! I love your two pagers! You have such a great way with embellishment clusters. You are my embellishment goals. 😊

  5. I confess I deleted my RSS feed a while ago when it appeared you were no longer posting here, but fortunately I also get e-mail updates. It was really good to see you back! I've loved your work ever since I first saw you at Coordinates Collections, and have saved and used many of your sketches. I look forward to seeing more!

  6. I'm happy to see you and am glad you are back to your blog.
    Fabulous layouts!

  7. So Glad u are back . I have missed not checking out your blog. Hope we get to see some sketches too
