Wednesday, January 08, 2014

2014 Stash Challenge #1

Happy 2014! Are you ready for some scrapping? 

With the new year we often talk about resolutions like diets, organizing our homes / scraprooms, and of course using up some of our stash. I have seen a couple of people post about trying not to spend money on new product in 2014 and just using their stash. I think its a wonderful idea but that is NOT going to happen in my world. I am weak and wouldn't probably make it a month. LOL! For me it would be better to try to limit my spending this year and set a goal to use my stash.

After thinking about it the first few days of this year, I have decided to set a goal (number of layouts) for this year where I will use only my stash that I have acquired pre-2014. Then I will post my layouts on my blog with the number as a way to sort of be accountable. So how many? Well, I wanted it to be a real challenge and slightly more than I think I can really do, so I am going for 50. There are 52 weeks in a year and although some weeks I will do more scrapping than others, I am going for it.

Who wants to play along? I have a friend who is going for 52, another said she may have to say 1 per month was more her speed. Let me know what you guys think about this idea. If you want to share, I will be using the hashtag #2014StashChallenge on Instagram and I would love for you guys to use the same one so we can all be inspired :) If you only do one stash page now and then with no set goal - that's cool too!

For this page I used a mix of papers that you might not expect. The RSVP collection from BasicGrey is a birthday collection but the papers and embellishments were just perfect with some vintage looking DCWV papers. I used DCWV Tradewinds Stack papers and gold cardstock, BasicGrey RSVP papers, die cuts, wood die cuts, and vellum embellishments, BasicGrey Carte Postale filmstrip transparency,  some vintage buttons, gold paper flowers, and twine.

This is my husband at the Junk Gypsies Headquarters this past fall, so lots of goodies from my stash all over the page just seems to work for me.


  1. I absolutely LOVE all the embellishing you put on this!!!

  2. This is beautiful Susan. It all mixes well. I love all the embellies you put on here, as well.

    It is a good challenge. One that I should really play along in. I actually did pretty well with the spending last year. With Archiver's closing, it will be real easy, as I hate ordering online and paying shipping. I could challenge myself to two a month, 24 pages for the year using my stash. I don't scrap much, just DT assignments. I think some should be made to be Disney pages too. ;)

  3. This is an awesome challenge! I will totally participate!

  4. I used to be so addicted to my scrapbooking and now I have fallen so far behind...I don't instantagram though.

  5. Great Challenge! I want to participate too. I will also challenge myself to 50 stash layouts in 2014. I am a "kit" person, so I also want to make 1-5 cards per kit scraps.

  6. I have been trying hard to do the same too! All my local scrappy stores closed up this year so I have a HUGE hoard of things I bought during store closings and I'm trying to get through it before I let myself order the new CHA stuff online. :) I don't post normally to Instagram my scrappy stuff but I will be to my blog for sure :)

  7. Super cute layout! Oh I like your thinking on your challenge (I'm thinking I'll be to weak too) But I'm planning the same thing on my blog. Don't have instagram so I can't follow that way. But will keep an eye on your blog and follow that way :)
