Thursday, May 30, 2013

Scraptastic Sketchy Thursday - May

Another layout using the gorgeous May "After the Storm" Kit from Scraptastic Club. I recently took this photo of my mom and brother at Easter and these paper were just made for it. I love the geometric prints and florals together. I made this sketch because today is Sketchy Thursday on the Scraptastic Blog, so hop over and see the wonderful layouts from our Design Team and try it out yourself for a chance at the monthly prize. All the info is HERE.

For my layout I stitched together the panels in the rectangle and for dimension and interest I have added some hearts punched from the same papers and raised with adhesive foam tape.


  1. That sketch is so versatile! Gorgeous page! What a great photo too!

  2. Such a fun sketch!! I would love to give it a try sometime! The soft spring colors are so pretty and the picture is precious.
