Sunday, May 05, 2013

BasicGrey Knee Highs and Bow Ties Album Kit (Winner)

Before I announce the winner of my drawing for one of the kits, don't forget about this fantastic deal from BasicGrey! They have an exclusive album kit for each of the two collections: Knee Highs and also Bow Ties, and they are on sale NOW. 

Thank you to everyone for visiting my blog and playing along. And now for the super exciting part..... The random number drawn was 8 so the winner is:

Blogger Jeanne said...
Oh those are both so cute!! I think Knee highs is my fave tho!
11:25 AM

Congrats to you Jeanne! If you will send me your mailing address we will get that kit to you as soon as it is available! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow how awesome!! Thanks so much! Can't wait to play!!
