Saturday, February 02, 2013

Photo Freedom 2013 page 1

Check it out  - only one month later and I actually have page one done for 2013! LOL! Well, I do not know exactly how often I will do layouts but my first page is sort of the cover page with New Years Eve and day. I use Echo Park Paper's Photo Freedom system for my pocket pages and for this page I used some older papers from the Echo Park Note to Self collection and a couple of stickers from the "Times and Seasons" collection.

I wanted to do some bubbly sequins for the year block but after that I just played with the papers and things til I liked the way it looked. The large pocket is 6x12.5" so you really have to treat it like a layout, and notice I said that it is 12.5" so I like to add a strip to fill that gap, otherwise the panel that you put in there will want to tip to the side and fall out.

Also since I made a pocket for a card behind the photo, I cut a slit with an Xacto knife and that helps to hold the piece right where I want it as well. I have journaled on the back of that little tag. 


  1. Oh now this is beautiful!!! Love the bubbly look that those sequins give. That sleeve configuration is my favorite too. It leaves you a lot of room to play.

  2. Love the added the sequins! I love all the stitching you do, and all the bits and pieces!
