Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas and an EP Blog Hop Winner!!!

Hey Everyone, how are your holidays going? I hope everything is going smoothly and that you have time to enjoy your family and friends. I am one of those crazies who works non stop and never gets the chance to slow down and enjoy so I know how important it is. I have some sitting down time planned for tomorrow with my family so I am looking forward to that. Now you are thinking...."WHY is she chatting!? I want to know if I won that Echo Park Blog Hop!!!"  LOL!

I really hope you all have a wonderful holiday and I love giving out a collection kit to someone for the holidays! And I want to say thank you again to all of you for joining in these blog hops - Don't forget there is one every month. My winner this month is Orlanda!!! So please send me an email with your mailing address and choice of collection kits so that Echo Park can send that right out to you!


Blogger Orlanda S. said...
Love your covered button and your snowflakes. Great details in this wonderful page. Love your kitty!!!
9:48 PM

Come back and visit soon because I have some more fun Photo Freedom layouts to share with you. :)


  1. I'm so excited! I've never won anything. This is great! Thanks so much.

  2. Whoo hoo, Orlanda...congrats!

  3. Congrats Orlanda, wishing you a very merry Christmas and best wishes for 2013 x
