Sunday, September 16, 2012

what goes UP...

I was totally inspired by a Tower of Terror layout that my friend Madeline did because of the title so I just borrowed it. Thanks Madeline! Then I had this color palette from disney scrappers for Tower of Terror and I found some Teresa Collins Vintage Finds papers and a great green pattern from Authentique. I haven't been brave enough to ride this one but my guys love it. I cant see waiting two hours to drop when I could be shopping, but next time I am determined to ride it. I really want photos inside :)


  1. This is absolutely fabulous Susan! I love the large chevrons!

  2. LOVE it! Those arrow chevron thingies are perfect, going UP and down! I really can't believe you've never ridden this...tisk, tisk!; it's tame compared to Rock N Roller Coaster. ;)

  3. Hi Susan,

    Love the chevron arrows. Color palette is great! I love how you use the collection and spread it out! I have a challenge combining all patterns half the time but you just opened up a whole new dimension for me! Love it!

    Lynn Villarreal

  4. Hi Susan,

    Love the chevron arrows. Color palette is great! I love how you use the collection and spread it out! I have a challenge combining all patterns half the time but you just opened up a whole new dimension for me! Love it!

    Lynn Villarreal

  5. Loving what you did with the chevrons here!!
