Sunday, July 22, 2012

Castaway Creek **Echo Park Paradise Beach**

I am totally in love with this Echo Park Paradise Beach collection of papers, can you tell? I just had to do a paradise looking page so my first thought was Castaway Creek at Typhoon Lagoon. If you have ever spent a week at Disney World and you do not take breaks so the days are from sun up to sometimes beyond midnight, you know how just raw your feet can get. Add in some super hot weather and you will understand why this very tropical lazy river with it's jungle sounds and music, mists and waterfalls, is my paradise. Your feet touch NOTHING. LOL!

I got a bit carried away with texture here but its really not very thick, the leaves and petals will flatten alot in the album so don't be afraid to give it a go. Its only about the thickness of foam squares once in the page protector. First I designed these tropical leafy and flowery shapes so that I could cut them out with my cricut. Then the trick is to make them look less die cutty by running a brown marker around the outside edge where the white core shows. Then use a sponge with brown ink to lightly shade the edges. Then just crumple and curl for texture.

The Paradise Beach paper is gorgeous but the stickers and things are cool too. I wanted to incorporate the waves border but in a more dimensional way so I put foam squares on the back. You still have a sticky sticker though so the best thing to do is to have a little bottle of baby powder handy with a soft brush like my makeup brush, and you just lightly powder the sticky part - now it's not sticky and it's smells nice too. Last I added the title cut from white cardstock.


  1. OMG!!!

  2. This is very beautiful! Love the texture/layering you created and the great colours. Tfs!!

  3. This is just beautiful!! Makes me wish I was there right now! :-)

  4. Love this so much!! I wish I were there right now! I'm really enjoying seeing your pages with this kit - I had been umming and ahhing whether to get it or not and seeing this has finally made my mind up! I managed to get it on sale this morning - yippee!

  5. Leslie Kay9:43 AM

    WOW! This is truely stunning. These papers seem to blend right into the photos.

  6. Orlanda Silva9:45 AM

    Oh I LOVE this layout!!! Love your leaves, flowers. Everything just seems to blend right into the scenery of the photo, if that makes sense. That spot is gorgeous, I see why it's your favorite spot. Just gorgeous!!!

  7. This LO is awesome.Love the colors you used.They are perfect for your pics.Love your crumpling.Each fold seems perfectly placed.
